Father Guillermo Trevino won the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops prestigious Cardinal Bernardin New Leadership Award for his work leading Escucha Mi Voz Iowa. He will accept the award at the USCCB conference in Baltimore on November 15. Click here to read more...
View press release on the USCCB website.
By Lindsay Steele
The Catholic Messenger
With the 50th anniversary of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development coming up in May, the diocesan Social Action office got a head start on celebrations with a virtual Lunch and Learn presentation.
The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) is the national anti-poverty and social justice program of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. The April 1 presentation focused on the diocesan connection to the organization and its impact on individuals and families across the diocese.
Remembering Father Mottet.
The mission of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) is to address the root causes of poverty in America. Click here to lean more...
Please insert your parish bulletin and display the poster the weekend of
November 17-18.
Learn about the challenges of life at the poverty line. Take the Poverty Quiz.
The Catholic Campaign for Human Development Collection is coming up on November 18-19 at a mass near you!
The Catholic Campaign for Human Development is the national anti-poverty program in the U.S. dedicated to breaking the cycle of poverty by funding community programs. Learn more...
The office of Social Action promotes the Catholic Campaign for Human Development and assists parishes, schools and individuals with participation in CCHD programs.
The Diocesan Director of the CCHD evaluates local organizations which have applied for national grants and, if appropriate, recommends them to the CCHD Board for approval by the Bishop. In addition, the Board recommends to the Bishop the distribution of the retained portion of the CCHD collection for grants to local organizations.
USCCB resources page.
Each year we write about the importance of supporting November's Catholic Campaign for Human Development collection. With the glaring gaps in healthcare, nutrition and housing highlighted through the lens of COVID -19, we see even more clearly the need to empower people to lift themselves out of poverty. There are 40 million people in the United States living in poverty, over 350,000 of them in Iowa. Of the funds collected, 25% remain in our diocese to fund local anti-poverty projects. This year's collection will be held November 23-24. Please insert your parish bulletin and display the poster the weekend of November 17-18. Promotional materials will be mailed to your parish in early October including posters, envelopes and bulletin inserts adapted to our diocese
If you have any questions about the collection please contact Kent Ferris.
Check out CCHD Annual Report
www.povertyusa.org - a poverty education and information web site administered by the US Bishops. Has up to date census data on poverty for each state, resources for education about poverty and how you can act to end poverty.