We have an incredibly rich tradition of addressing direct needs of people and with peace and justice efforts through the Office of Social Action. Early on, the Diocesan expression of response to direct needs as well as peace and justice was a Catholic Charities. 40 years ago assisted by its national leaders, the United Way of the Quad Cites conducted a study of the human needs and community services in the area which included our diocese. Among its conclusions were that the Catholic Charities was understaffed and attempting to provide too broad an array of services that in some cases duplicated the efforts of other service providers. They recommended that the Charities be dissolved and the services be merged with what is now Family Resources. As Monsignor Mottet recalls, he and Bishop O’Keefe sweated over the study for two years before deciding that they would not be good neighbors unless they cooperated with the study. Learn more about Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Davenport History
Make Check Payable to: Diocese of Davenport on the memo line write: Catholic Charities.
Please mail check to:
Diocese of Davenport
Catholic Charities
780 West Central Park Avenue
Davenport, IA 52804
Disaster Preparation and Responses: Assist parishes in disaster planning and work with county or community disaster recovery organization in time of disaster to facilitate recovery.
Immigration Services: Provides assistance in navigating the immigration process to families and outreach to communities for immigration information and assistance.
Jail/Prison Ministry The Jail / Prison Ministry allows parishioner's to volunteer in local correctional facilities by bringing the message and love of God to inmates.
Catholic Charities also supports the works of volunteers committed to Restorative Justice. As an example, volunteers, mentors and members of Circles of Support are actively involved in "walking with" returning citizens upon their release from prison and while they participate in Drug Court, an alternative to incarceration.
Parish Health Ministry: Health ministry at the parish level is a compassionate ministry focused on the whole person in the various stages of life from conception to death. In caring for the spiritual well being of a person, we also address their physical well-being. Health ministry has a role for everyone at a parish, not just health professionals.
Project Rachel Ministry:Project Rachel is a confidential, post-abortion healing ministry of the Catholic Church offering hope and healing to women and men hurting from past abortions. Project Rachel staff understand the emotional pain that follows an abortion. Flyer
Catholic Charities is a compliment to the rich tradition of social justice that continues within the diocese.
If you are in need of direct financial assistance please see the list of possible resources below.
Iowa legal Aid-Eviction Information/Rights 1-800-532-1275
Houseiowa.org - database of housing resources
Water Assistance: The Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program provides assistance in the form of benefit payments made directly to water vendors on behalf of households for past-due charges, fees, and taxes for drinking and wastewater services have been disconnected or are at risk of disconnection. The program is administered by the Iowa Department of Human Rights and locally through Iowa’s Community Action Agencies that serve all 99 counties.
Applications are taken at your local community action agency. Anyone facing disconnection at any time should contact their local community action agency for assistance.
To find your local agency, you may call the Department of Human Rights at 515-281-3861 or 1-800-351-4659, or visit https://humanrights.iowa.gov/dcaa/where-apply. of click here for All 99 Counties.
Heating Assistance for Low-Income Households: The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is a federally-funded program designed to assist low-income families in Iowa to meet the cost of home heating by providing a one-time payment to the heating utility. Homeowners and renters are eligible within the federal poverty guidelines. Applications are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis from November 1 - April 30 of each year. Individuals may apply for the program at the local Community Action Agency in their county. To locate your local outreach office, click here.
For Scott county:
Scott County Community Action of Eastern Iowa 500 East 59th Street Davenport, IA 52807 Phone: 563-324-3236 Hours: Mon, Wed, Fri 8:00-4:30; Walk in Mon & Fri 8:00-4:00Website: https://www.caeiowa.org/