From Catholic Relief Services:
Enhance your work for justice with these new advocacy how-to videos, including how to write impactful letters to your congressional members. The complete set of videos, in both English and Spanish, is available here.
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) was founded in 1943 by the Catholic Bishops of the United States to assist the poor and vulnerable overseas. CRS is the official international relief and development agency of the United States Catholic community. The CRS provides emergency supplies to families in other countries following disasters and assists with food, water, and housing. In poverty stricken areas of the world, CRS provides better agricultural practices, public health information, microloans to help individuals or groups wanting to start a business, and a number of other ways of helping people to help themselves. CRS operates in more than 90 countries. For more information go to or
2024 Resources
The collection supports six Catholic organizations:
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) is the official international Catholic humanitarian overseas relief and development agency of the U. S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). CRS provides emergency relief and long-term assistance to help people become more self-sufficient.
Migration and Refugee Services of the USCCB helps dioceses and churches resettle refugees, as well as victims of human trafficking.
Holy Father’s Relief Fund assists victims of natural disasters and other emergencies around the world.
Department of Justice, Peace and Human Development of the USCCB advocates for poor and vulnerable people throughout the world, and works for international justice and world peace.
Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. (CLINIC) is a network of legal immigration programs that promote the dignity and protect the rights of immigrants. It provides technical assistance and training to dioceses with immigration programs like ours in the Diocese of Davenport.
Secretariat of Cultural Diversity in the Church of the USCCB supports a network of national pastoral centers and diocesan personnel who minister to various ethnic groups and migrant communities.
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
This year’s theme for the Catholic Relief Services collection, which is held on March 9-10, is Reveal Christ’s Love. The collection provides us with the opportunity to reflect on how we respond to the Gospel call to serve Jesus through those who are poor and vulnerable around the world. Read more...
CRS _ Make your voices heard:
E-mail your members of congress, asking them to address global hunger and the effects of global hunger and the effects of climate change and prioritize foreign assistance.
Farm Bill:
Click here for more resources and additional information about the bill.
The Farm Bill: legislation that affects all of us (The Catholic Messenger)
To help parishes learn about other countries and the ways in which CRS is involved, CRS provides priests & deacons to speak at weekend liturgies. Several parishes in the Diocese of Davenport have taken advantage of this program in the past and all have been pleased with the result, including the response by parishioners. These priests and deacons are called Global Fellows.
To invite a Global Fellow to your parish or community. Contact us at 410-951-7336 or [email protected]. or click here
Additional Resource.
Learn about the Eight Humanitarian Crises to watch in 2024
CRS launched a new climate campaign One Planet One Family - resources are available on the campaign landing page.
CRS Chapters are springing up all around the Midwest! As communities of people committed to serving the poor and ending global poverty, CRS Chapters take actions that contribute to CRS’ mission to create transformational change for our global human family. Attending the launch workshop is the first step in joining a national movement of CRS Chapters who are working together that end.
If you would like to learn more, please contact Deacon Joe: [email protected]
Also you can view promotional video in English and Spanish that gives an overview of chapters.