In 2013, we celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the promulgation of Sacrosanctum concilium, the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy from the Second Vatican Council. This document remains as important today as it was then; it lies at the heart of the liturgical renewal called for by the Council. As clergy, liturgists, liturgical ministers, and faithful Catholics we are challenged to return to this document again and again, asking the question: Is the full, conscious, and active participation of all the goal that we keep in front of us at all times? Do our decisions, our presiding, our worship reflect this priority?
The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy (Sacrosanctum concilium)
A Review of Sacrosanctum Concilium (article series from the Dc. Agnoli in a single document)
Deacon Agnoli's comments on Sacrosanctum concilium on the 50th Anniversary of Vatican II
On the occasion of the upcoming 50th anniversary of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy from Vatican II, the Bishops' Committee on Divine Worship has issued a statement on the liturgical reforms, entitled "Stewards of the Tradition--Fifty Years after Sacrosanctum concilium."
The resources here are posted with permission. If parishes wish to purchase these materials for their own use, including resources for parish study groups, please click here.
Handouts for Parents of Young Children
1. Growing in Faith, One Mass at a Time
2. Know Why You Go
3. Attending Mass is Our Right and Duty
4. Called to Action
5. How Do We Participate?
6. The Word of God
7. Offering Ourselves
8. Why the Church Needs You
9. Bringing Mass into Our Lives, and Our Lives into the Mass
10. Celebrating Christ... All Year Long!
Handouts for Teens
1. What Are We Doing at Mass?
2. Do This In Memory of Me
3. Mass Is Our Rite... And Our Right!
4. Mass: It's Not a Spectator Sport!
5. How Do We Pray?
6. And God Said...
7. What Is Your Offering?
8. We're All In This Together
9. You Are What You Eat
10. We Save the Best for Last
Handouts for Liturgical Ministers
1. Children's Ministry
2. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
3. Lectors (Readers)
4. Liturgical Environment
5. Liturgy Committee
6. Music Ministers
7. Servers
8. Ushers-Greeters
Vatican II
1. The Church & Other Religions
2. The Church's Relationship with the World
3. Our Call to Participation
4. The Universal Call to Holiness
5. Why Did the Second Vatican Council Occur?
6. The Word of God Transforms
Liturgical Pioneers
1. Aidan Kavanagh / 2. Saint John XXIII
3. Godfrey Diekmann / 4. Hans Reinhold
5. Jean Danielou / 6. John Courtney Murray
7. Josef Jungmann / 8. Michael Mathis
9. Paul VI / 10. Reynold Hillenbrand
11. Romano Guardini / 12. Virgil Michel
13. Yves Congar
Bulletin Inserts (52 weeks)
In PDF Format / In Word Format