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Provides an outstanding array of homilies and supportive texts that clergy can use to bring the gift of Natural Family Planning as well as the broader issues of God's gift of sexuality to our people. (BOMA - U.S.A., 2014)
DVD, Book
Information on natural alternatives to assisted reproductive technologies.
Janet Smith presents a God-centered view of sexuality. Backed by statistics and armed with decades of research, Professor Smith shows the crippling effects of the contraceptive culture. (Lighthouse, 2012)
This sixteen-part video provides: a summary of key Catholic teaching on marriage, conjugal love and responsible parenthood; an overview of human reproduction; a summary of the facts about various artificial contraceptives and their many negative side effects; and a discussion on the virtue of chastity.(The St. Augustine Foundation, 2015)
Jason Evert presents his case for Natural Family Planning as he unveils the beauty of God's plan for sexuality. (Lighthouse, 2013)
Dr. Jennifer and Matthew DeMarco explain modern scientific techniques to determine when a woman is fertile or infertile in order to achieve or sfely postpone pregrancy. Two additional couples share their experience of discovering, learning, and living NFP. (Diocese of Rockville Centre, 2008)
DVD, Study Guide
Features Dr. Janet Smith, Fr. John Riccardo & Fr. Daniel McCaffrey