While the Office of Faith Formation is curating these resources for you, we are not endorsing one resource over another. We have done initial research into the resources, but encourage all parishes/individuals to look at the information and make their own determination which, if any, to utilize.
The Office of Faith Formation does not maintain the content of these external sites and cannot control any advertisements or messages contained therein.
This is not meant to be an exclusive or exhaustive list of resources.
If you have a question on a particular resource, either on this list or that you identify on your own, please contact the Office of Faith Formation.
A Parent's Guide to Lent and Holy Week from Teaching Catholic Kids.com
An Illustrated Guide to the Triduum from FOCUS
Easter Triduum from the USCCB
Holy Thursday: Mass of the Lord's Supper from Our Sunday Visitor
Holy Week: Simple Ways to Walk with Jesus from Our Sunday Visitor (en Español)
Journey to the Cross from The Pastoral Center
Praying with Good Friday at Home from Creighton University Online Ministries
Praying with Holy Thursday at Home from Creighton University Online Ministries
Praying with the Easter Vigil at Home from Creighton University Online Ministries
Preparing for Good Friday from Creighton University Online Ministries
Preparing for Holy Thursday from Creighton University Online Ministries
Preparing for the Easter Vigil from Creighton University Online Ministries
Questions on the Sacred Paschal Triduum from the USCCB (en Español)
Reflecting on Holy Saturday from St. Mary's Press
The Triduum and Easter from The Catholic Way
Three Days to Save: What We Do from Holy Thursday to Easter Sunday from Liturgy Training Publications
Walking Through Holy Week as a Family from Teaching Catholic Kids.com
Your Essential Guide to the Triduum from Busted Halo
A Journey through the Three Days: Theological Reflections on the Paschal Triduum from Liturgy Training Publications
Easter: Meditations on the Resurrection from The Pastoral Center
Encounter the Cross: Meditations on the Seven Last Words of Jesus from The Pastoral Center
Glory in the Cross: A Journey through the Paschal Triduum from Liturgy Training Publications (en Español)
Margaret's First Holy Week from The Pastoral Center
My Holy Week Journey from The Pastoral Center
The Crucifixion in Irish Art from The Pastoral Center
The Passion of the Lord: Reflections for Holy Week from The Pastoral Center
The People of the Way of the Cross from The Pastoral Center
The Three Great Days: Understanding and Celebrating the Easter Triduum from St. Mary's Press
The Week of Salvation: History and Traditions of Holy Week from Our Sunday Visitor
What Am I Doing for Triduum this Year? from Liturgy Training Publications
Good Friday Worksheet from CatholicMom.com
Holy Thursday Worksheet from CatholicMom.com
Holy Week at Home from The Pastoral Center
Holy Week Ideas for Families from Teaching Catholic Kids.com
Holy Week Imaginative Prayer Activity from Catholic Sprouts
Holy Week Reflection Cards from Sadlier (en Español)
Hosanna in the Highest Activity from The Pastoral Center
Last Supper Meal from CathFamily
Last Supper Table Mat from CathFamily
Making a Palm Cross from Teaching Catholic Kids.com
My Holy Week Journey from The Pastoral Center
People of the Passion Reflection Cards from Sadlier (en Español)
Triduum Primary Activity from Sadlier
Triduum Triptych Activity from Sadlier (en Español)
Words of Truth, Words of Life from The Pastoral Center
Journey Through the Triduum: Daily Scripture Reflections for the Great Three Days from The Pastoral Center
Stations of the Cross for Kids from CathFamily
Prayer for the Celebration of Holy Week from Sadlier (en Español)
Holy Week in 2 Minutes from Busted Halo
Holy Week in 3 Minutes from Busted Halo
Lenten Devotions from The Pastoral Center
Mass Class: Holy Week and Easter Edition from Busted Halo
Playlists for Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter from Our Sunday Visitor
The Passion and Crucifixion: A Medical Perspective from the St. Thomas Aquinas Guild of the Quad Cities
The Way of the Cross from The Five Loaves
Virtual Stations of the Cross from Busted Halo
Virtual Way of the Cross for Economic and Ecological Justice from the Maryknoll Office of Global Concerns.
Why do we Kiss the Cross on Good Friday? from Busted Halo
Arts and Faith: Lent (and Triduum) from Loyola Press
Holy Week from Loyola Press
Holy Week Explained from CathFamily