Living as Missionary Disciples: Walk the Talk – Dr. Ansel Augustine | Found at: Center for Ministry Development | |
Forming Missionary Disciples – Frank Mercadante | Found at: Center for Ministry Development | |
5 Missiological Principles of Missionary Discipleship – Marilyn Santos | Found at: Center for Ministry Development |
General Culture | Leavitt, Robert F., PSS. The Truth Will Make You Free: The New Evangelization for a Secular Age. A Study in Development. | An in-depth look at the implications of a secular culture for the new evangelization. Recommended for interested laypersons, those studying for ministry, and clergy. |
General Culure (Preaching) | Garrido, Ann, DMin. Let’s Talk About Truth: A Guide for Preachers, Teachers, and Other Catholic Leaders in a World of Doubt and Discord (Ave Maria Press, 2020). |
Ann Garrido, DMin, seeks to answer the question of how do we even talk about truth in a “post-truth” world, one that can even speak of “alternative facts” and one in which, it seems, only one’s opinion counts. |
Liturgy | Baldovin, John F., S.J. Bread of Life, Cup of Salvation: Understanding the Mass. |
Part of the “Come and See” series written for “Seekers” (those who are searching / exploring in regards to faith), this is a great introduction to the Mass, its history, and how we celebrate it today (though note it was published before the third edition of the Missal). |
Liturgy (Children) | Duggan, Robert D. Teaching Kids the Basics of Liturgy: Making the Rituals More Meaningful. |
An accurate and reliable guide to the basics about Catholic prayer and worship. Whether you are a teacher in the classroom or within the "domestic church" of your own family, this resource is meant to guide you in passing the faith on to (evangelizing) the next generation. |
Liturgy (Multicultural) | Francis, Mark R., CSV. Liturgy in a Culturally Diverse Community: A Guide Towards Understanding / La liturgia en una Comunidad de Diversas Culturas: Una Guía para Entenderla. | This resource outlines the principles inherent in truly multicultural liturgies to assist liturgists, music directors, and others who prepare worship to promote the full participation of everyone in a culturally diverse assembly. In English and Spanish. |
Liturgy | Koester, Anne Y. Sunday Mass: Our Role and Why It Matters. |
Why go to Sunday Mass? What are we doing? Anne Koester provides an excellent tool to help teens and adults reflect on what it means to actively participate at Mass. |
Liturgy (Youth) | National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry and the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions. For Ages Unending: The Ministry of Liturgy with Adolescents. |
The fruit of the collaborative effort between the leadership of the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry (NFCYM) and the FDLC, this resource is for all those "who take seriously the call to include the young members of the church in the church’s central act of worship.” |
Liturgy | O’Malley, Timothy P. Liturgy and the New Evangelization: Practicing the Art of Self-giving Love. |
How does the liturgy serve as a sure foundation for the New Evangelization? By drawing us deeper into the self-giving love of Christ, and gracing us to share that same love in the world. |
Liturgy | Paprocki, Joe and D. Todd Williamson. Great Is the Mystery: Encountering the Formational Power of Liturgy. |
A resource for teaching about, and reflecting on, the Mass—and how celebrating the Mass forms us as Christians (evangelizes us). |
Scripture | Harrington, Daniel J. How Do Catholics Read the Bible? |
Part of the “Come and See” series written for “Seekers” (those who are searching / exploring in regards to faith), this is a clear explanation on how we, as Catholics, read the Scriptures. Hint: we’re not fundamentalists! |
Preaching | Lovrick, Peter. Proclaiming in a New Season: A Practical Guide to Catholic Preaching for the New Evangelization. |
What does the Church ask of its preachers today? What should preaching sound like in the key of the New Evangelization? Deacon Lovrick provides a clear look at the Church’s vision for this vital ministry. Great for preachers—and for those who listen to homilies. |
Living as Missionary Disciples: A Resource for Evangelization. Washington, D.C.: USCCB, 2017. |
Liturgy | Become One Body, One Spirit in Christ (USCCB) |
Prepared for the introduction of the third edition of the Roman Missal, this comprehensive resource provides a wealth of resources (video and print) for exploring the Mass. A children’s version (Together at One Altar) is available online: |
Liturgy | A History of the Mass / Una Historia de la Misa | Where did the Mass that we celebrate today come from? What are its roots? This DVD (in English and Spanish) provides a concise introduction to this rich history. Great for older students, adult faith formation groups, and those in the RCIA. |
Liturgy | All Gathered Here: Celebrating the Liturgical Life of the Church | A resource for exploring the depths of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy of Vatican II—the keystone document of the Council. |
Liturgy | Notre Dame Center for Liturgy: Videos from the 2016 Symposium: Liturgy and the New Evangelization |
Kimberly Belcher: Ritual Formation and Evangelization Karla Bellinger: Liturgical Preaching and Evangelization Michael McCallion: Liturgy, Sociology, and the New Evangelization Panel Discussion James Pauley: Liturgical Catechesis - An Apprenticeship in Mystery & Mission Fr. Anthony Ruff: Liturgical Music and Evangelization Christian Smith/Justin Bartkus: From Generation to Generation Dora Tobar: Popular Culture and the New Evangelization Daniella Zsupan-Jerome: Digital Media & the Liturgical Capacity of the Christian |
Liturgy, etc. On-Line | Webinar: Making Cyberspace a Sacred Space | |
Evangelization Video | |
New Pope, New Evangelization – New Way of Being Church? – Webinar by Fr. Frank Donio | |
General Culture (Science and Faith) |
Vatican Observatory Foundation (Faith & Science): |
How often have you heard that science and faith are not compatible? Part of evangelization today is helping people see that faith and reason, theology and science, are two side of the same coin; God, who is Truth, is One. The Vatican Observatory website contains a section on “faith and science” ( that is filled with articles, videos, and audio files that make clear that the Catholic Church is not an enemy of science! |
Scripture, Liturgy, Preaching | Felix Just, SJ: |
Wonderful and varied resources for the study of liturgy and the scriptures, “intended for scholars, teachers, students, pastors, believers, seekers, and others.” |
What is Evangelization? – Go and Make Disciples. | This is a short article that summarizes key points from Pope Paul Vi’s Evangelii Nuntiandi (On Evangelization in the Modern World). | |
Go and Make Disciples: A National Plan an Strategy for Catholic Evangelization in the United States – Part 1: A Vision for Catholic Evangelization. | This section is found toward the bottom of the page and contains background on what is evangelization, why we evangelize, how evangelization happens, and more. | |
Living as Missionary Disciples: A Resource for Evangelization |
A link to the USCCB Publication which includes an excellent theological beginning and a whole section on developing and implementing a pastoral plan for developing Missionary Discipleship. The entire book is readable on-line, no purchase required, but can also be ordered. | |
Living as Missionary Disciples: A Resource for Evangelization with National Directory for Catechesis Worksheets |
A PDF of the USCCB publication Living as Missionary Disciples, but this one is for faith formation leaders. | |
Taking the First Step: Keys to Sharing Faith Person-to-Person |
A good guide, with examples, to forming one-to-one personal relationships which is the foundation on which trust and cooperation are built. | |
Accompanying Youth and Young Adults on Their Journey as Missionary Disciples |
A very well thought out approach to working with youth, young adults on living out their faith. Its “Practical Principles” section is as relevant to adults as it is youth and young adults. | |
By Their Fruits You Will Know Them: Catechists and Evangelizers as Missionary Disciples |
Link to the USCCB web page that contains other links in this series, but also to other excellent papers on living as missionary disciples. “Many Catholics have long considered that going to Mass weekly and participating in some parish ministry or activity put one in the category of being a "good" Catholic, because one did more than just attend Mass. Today such an attitude is not sufficient. |
Publishers (Abbreviations/Websites)
FDLC = Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions:
Liturgical Press (Collegeville, MN):
LTP = Liturgy Training Publications (Chicago):
NCEA = National Catholic Educational Association:
USCCB = United States Conference of Catholic Bishops: