The following links are provided as a service to those who are engaged in liturgical ministry. The diocese is not responsible for their content, and does not necessarily agree with the material found or opinions expressed on those sites. Some of the sites are explicitly Catholic; others are not. Please report any concerns or broken links to the Director of Liturgy.
The Diocesan Educational/Catechetical Leadership Institute was begun in 1997 as a 5-day orientation program for new or nearly new diocesan leaders. In 2010, the Leadership Institute became an online program which expanded in 2011 to include two tracks of recordings, each track with its own complement of webinars and question-and-answer (Q & A) sessions. Track I serves new diocesan educational or catechetical leaders. Track II serves the professional development needs of veteran diocesan administrators.
Starting in 2012, the online Leadership Institute is expanded again. It is offered free of charge to all interested individuals. It will continue to serve the needs of diocesan leaders. Many of the webinars and Q&A’s are also of interest to parish catechetical leaders and catechists, Catholic school principals and teachers, and other individuals who provide faith formation to diverse age groups and settings. Click here to visit the homepage.
May of the offerings are in Spanish as well as in English.
Topics related to Liturgy and Prayer:
-The Spiritual Life
-Prayer: The Faith Prayed
-Cultural Diversity
Built of Living Stones | Document from the USCCB. |
Catholic Energies | Working exclusively with Catholic organizations, Catholic Energies provides expertise to design, implement and finance sustainable projects that reduce energy costs, enabling your organization to use those savings in support of your critical ministries. We are passionate and committed to helping Catholic organizations act on Pope Francis’ encyclical, Laudato Sí, by making the most of their real estate and clean energy opportunities. |
Order of Dedication of a Church and an Altar | Music for the Rite Liturgical Book |
Association of Consultants for Liturgical Space | ACLS is a professional organization for Liturgical Consultants, Liturgical Design Consultants, Architects, Liturgical Artists, and Liturgists. You can use this site to search for professionals to work with you on a parish renovation or construction project. |
Faith & Form | Since 1967, Faith & Form has provided an interfaith forum for those working in religious arts and architecture to learn, discuss and honor work from all faiths. |
National Council of Acoustical Consultants | The National Council of Acoustical Consultants [NCAC] is an international organization committed to supporting the acoustical profession through: recognizing expert Acoustical Consultants and Engineers; promoting opportunities for peer interaction; and providing a reference tool for the public to learn more about the profession and to find a consultant matched to their needs. |
Christians in the Visual Arts | "Christians in the Visual Arts exists to explore and nurture the relationship between the visual arts and the Christian Faith." They are located at Gordon College in Wenham, MA. |
EnVision Church | "EnVision Church is The Georgetown Center for Liturgy’s interactive online resource concerned with liturgy, spirituality, and sacred art and architecture. The first installment of images is from the slide collection of Fr. Paul Cioffi, S.J. Fr. Cioffi's collection includes approximately three thousand photographs of early Christian sites and numerous places of worship in Europe and North America. While the Center for Liturgy no longer operates, the Library continues to provide the platform for hosting this collection as well as data entry templates, a metadata schema and controlled vocabulary pull-down lists for staff entering descriptions of the images." |
Letter to Artists - Pope John Paul II | From Pope John Paul II, "to all who are passionately dedicated to the search for new 'epiphanies' of beauty so that through their creative work as artists they may offer these as gifts to the world." |
Visio Divina | Visio divina is the practice of praying with art. Visio Divina: Praying with the St. John's Bible |
Code of Canon Law | The Code of Canon Law, from the Vatican website. More resources are available on our deacon formation website. |
USCCB: Complementary Norms | The application of 29 canons to the Church in the United States. |
Center for Liturgy - St. Louis University | A collection of resources for aiding in preparation for the Sunday Eucharist. |
Graymoor Ecumenical & Interreligious Institute | As a ministry of the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement, the Mission of Graymoor Ecumenical & Interreligious Institute is to promote Christian unity and interreligious dialogue in North America. Resources for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity can be found at this site. |
Notre Dame Center for Liturgy | Rooted in the teaching and practice of the Roman Catholic Church, expressed in the documents and decrees of the Second Vatican Council, the Notre Dame Center for Liturgy at the University of Notre Dame seeks to support and enrich the liturgical life of the Church through scholarly research and pastoral education. Includes access to Oblation: Liturgy and Evangelization - an on-line journal. |
Videos from the 2016 Symposium: Liturgy and the New Evangelization Kimberly Belcher: Ritual Formation and EvangelizationKarla Bellinger: Liturgical Preaching and EvangelizationMichael McCallion: Liturgy, Sociology, and the New EvangelizationPanel DiscussionJames Pauley: Liturgical Catechesis - An Apprenticeship in Mystery & MissionFr. Anthony Ruff: Liturgical Music and EvangelizationChristian Smith/Justin Bartkus: From Generation to GenerationDora Tobar: Popular Culture and the New EvangelizationDaniella Zsupan-Jerome: Digital Media & the Liturgical Capacity of the Christian | |
Church Life Journal | |
Liturgical Institute at Mundelein | Videos: Elements of the Catholic Mass |
FDLC | Free resources from the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions |
Order of St. Benedict Liturgy Index | Extensive listing of web resources: texts, commentary, and liturgical websites. |
Theology Library - Liturgy | Hosted by Spring Hill College, a collection of links to various documents, and articles. |
Roman Catholic Worship Texts (1900-2000) | Hosted by Fr. JM Joncas. |
Breaking in the Habit: Understanding the Mass | Videos (YouTube) -Trailer -Introductory Rites -Liturgy of the Word (Readings) -Liturgy of the Word (Homily, Creed, Intercessions) -Preparation of Gifts -Eucharistic Prayer and Communion -Concluding Rites |
Care & Cleansing of Altar Linens | Excerpted from the March 2001 issue of the USCCB's Committee on the Liturgy Newsletter; with a paragraph from the Instruction, Redemptionis sacramentum, added. |
Sing to the Lord (STL) | STL is the US Bishops' document on liturgical music. Click here for a synopsis of what STL, the GIRM, and the Introduction to the Order of Mass have to say about this topic. Por favor haga clic aquí para la versión en español. |
The Antiphon Project | A project to set the entrance antiphons from the Missal and Graduale to familair hymn tunes. |
The Chabanel Psalms | A collection of Responsorial Psalms for Sunday Mass. The website allows one to download sheet music for organ and cantor, the response for the congregation, and mp3 files--free. Other musical resources are also available on the site, hosted by the Corpus Christi Watershed. |
The Lalemant Propers | The GRADUALE ROMANUM in English set to the music of Gregorian Psalm Tones for all Sundays and Solemnities. Also available separately: Simple English Propers. |
The Spiritual Cantor | Providing assistance and teaching to all cantors, no matter the age, gender, skill or experience level. |
The VoiceCare Network | The VoiceCare Network is for those interested in teaching healthy and expressive voice skills, learning effective teaching methods, and improving their own voices. |
Lector's Notes | These notes try to serve the Church by helping lectors prepare to proclaim the Scriptures in our Sunday assemblies. For each day's first and second readings (and occasionally for the gospel), the Notes give the historical and theological background, plus suggestions on oral interpretation. |
Lector Resources | The Catholics Proclaim website offers lectors and parish leaders the training and enrichment needed to raise the ministry’s level of excellence in their parishes. Resources include preparation aids for the readings, prayers, training materials, workshops, links to many other helpful sites and homiletic resources. Links to other resources are also available. |
Pronouncing Biblical Words | Audio files of biblical words; a great help for readers. |
Pronunciation Guide | Audio files of biblical words; a great help for readers. |
Institute of Analytical Reading | Analytical Reading teaches the art and science of reading aloud. It is based on the discovery by Nedra Newkirk Lamar of the conversational principles and patterns that we use in everyday speech. It helps the reader see through the words to the writer's meaning and imparts the skills that enable each of us to read aloud naturally and with confidence. |
General Instruction of the Liturgy of the Hours | |
The Liturgy of the Hours | Resources compiled by Felix Just, SJ, PhD |
iBreviary | The iBreviary website explains this cellphone app. You can also pray the Hours on the website, here. | | This website contains the daily Liturgy of the Hours in written and audio (mp3) formats; the audio files may be streamed or downloaded. |
Liturgy of the Hours Apostolate (e-breviary) | Subscription service (with limited free resources); in PDF format for print or display on mobile devices. |
Simple Way | Resources for praying the Liturgy of the Hours available for download and purchase. Includes a current calendar for the LOH. |
Liturgia de las horas | Laudes, Vísperas y Completas en Español. |
Liturgia de las horas (aciprensa) | Laudes y Vísperas |
Liturgia de las horas | |
El Oficio Divino |
Catholics and Cultures | Most Catholics experience the faith through a single cultural lens. Yet people all around the world live and imagine it in a rich diversity of ways. Catholics & Cultures is a growing, changing chronicle of the role of Catholicism among the people and within the cultures where it is lived.Catholics & Cultures, an initiative of the Rev. Michael C. McFarland, S.J. Center for Religion, Ethics and Culture at the College of the Holy Cross, aims to foster comparative study of contemporary Catholic life around the globe and to provide teaching resources about Catholic life in all its richness and particularity. |
Claretians | A resource for translation work and cultural adaptation. |
The National Hispanic Institute of Liturgy Instituto Nacional Hispano de Liturgia | The Instituto was established to assist the bishops of the United States in studying, developing, and promoting the liturgical and spiritual life of Hispanic Catholics in the faith communities in the United States. |
USCCB - Culto Divino | El Subcomité selecciona textos de países de habla hispana, aconseja sobre publicaciones de textos litúrgicos necesarios y facilita la catequesis litúrgica en español. |
>Boletín | El Subcomité para el Culto Divino en español se complace en ofrecer un nuevo Boletín gratuito como un recurso importante para el ministerio litúrgico hispano/latino en la Iglesia de los Estados Unidos. |
USCCB - Cultural Diversity | The mandate of the Committee of Cultural Diversity in the Church, and its corresponding Secretariat, is to be present on behalf of the Bishops’ Conference to the many cultures, ethnicities and races that today constitute the Roman Catholic Church in the United States. The goal is to encourage the inclusion and fuller participation of all God's People in the life and ministry of the Church by building up their Catholic identity in a spirit of unity in diversity. |
USCCB: Guidelines for a Multilingual Celebration of Mass | In 1987, the Instituto Nacional Hispano de Liturgia and the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions collaborated to produce guidelines for multilingual Masses. The USCCB Committee on Divine Worship's Subcommittee on Divine Worship in Spanish revised them in January 2013. |
USCCB: Plenty Good Room: The Spirit and Truth of African American Catholic Worship | Published in 1991 by the NCCB as a joint project of the Secretariats for the Liturgy and for Black Catholics, this short book was intended to provide basic information about the history and culture of the African American community, and, in particular, about the community’s experience in the Catholic Church in this country. |
Guidelines for the Celebration of the Sacraments with Persons with Disabilities (revised 2017) | Click here for PDF version. Click here for a synopsis of what is new (by the NCPD). |
National Catholic Partnership on Disability (NCPD) | The NCPD was established in 1982 to foster implementation of the Pastoral Statement of U.S. Catholic Bishops on People with Disabilities (PDF). Passed unanimously on November 16, 1978, this prophetic document calls for welcome of the now over fourteen million Catholics who are disabled. It states that these persons must be able to participate in the celebrations and obligations of their faith, and advocates for their inclusion "within the total fabric of society." NCPD likewise promotes implementation of the Guidelines for the Celebration of the Sacraments with Persons with Disabilities (link above), approved by the U.S. bishops in June 1995 to provide pastoral guidance on sacramental access for people with disabilities. |
Xavier Society for the Blind | Founded in 1900, the Xavier Society for the Blind provides spiritual and religious materials to individuals across the Unites States at no charge. |
Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America | This web site offers a wealth of information to assist churches in purchasing or renovating a pipe organ, or simply learning more about the fascinating art of pipe organ building. |
Association of Consultants for Liturgical Space | The ACLS is an organization comprised of Liturgical Consultants, Liturgical Design Consultants, Architects, Liturgical Artists, and Liturgists. This website provides assistance in locating a liturgical professional for those planning a building or renovation project. |
Church Music Association of America | The Church Music Association of America (founded in 1874) is an association of Catholic musicians, and those who have a special interest in music and liturgy, active in advancing Gregorian chant, Renaissance polyphony, and other forms of sacred music, including new composition, for liturgical use. The CMAA’s purpose is the advancement of musica sacra in keeping with the norms established by competent ecclesiastical authority. You can download mp3 files from this site to learn how to chant the Mass. |
Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions | The FDLC is a national organization composed primarily of members of diocesan liturgical commissions, worship offices and/or the equivalent diocesan liturgical structures. These diocesan liturgical personnel, appointed by their bishops, have responsibility for the promotion of the liturgical life of their dioceses. The FDLC serves as an official collaborating agent between the local churches through diocesan worship offices and liturgical commissions and the USCCB Bishops’ Committee on the Liturgy. |
WEBINARS/SERIES 1. Liturgical Books 2. Liturgical Year 3. St. Joseph 4. The Revised Order of Penance 5. OCIA Introduction 6. OCIA Series | |
National Association of Pastoral Musicians | The National Association of Pastoral Musicians fosters the art of musical liturgy. The members of NPM serve the Catholic Church in the United States as musicians, clergy, liturgists, and other leaders of prayer. |
La Santa Sede | Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica Código del Derecho Canónico Constitución - Sacrosanctum concilium Decreto - La celebración de la Fiesta de la Bienaventurada Virgen María de Guadalupe Directorio sobre la piedad popular y la liturgia Instrucción general del Misal Romano Instrucción - Redemptionis sacramentum |
ACI Prensa (noticias) | -Calendario (lectura del día) -Liturgia de las horas |
Biblioteca Católica Digital | |
Liturgia de las horas | |
La Verdad Católica | |
Ordinario de la Misa | |
Lecturas (USCCB) | |
Ciudad Redonda | De España. -lectura del día -comentario / homilia |
CRS / CCUSA | "Living Like Jesus: Encountering Others in Need" is a lectionary-based catechetical resource for RCIA provided by Catholic Charities and Catholic Relief Services. |
Notre Dame Liturgy Symposium 2013 | Videos from the "Beloved Children, Imitators of God: Deification and the Sacraments of Initiation" |
TeamRCIA | is a FREE online resource for Catholic parishes that want to start or sustain the catechumenate in their communities. The conversations on this site are initiated by five national leaders in the United States church who have been serving in RCIA ministry for more than two decades. We invite you to join the conversation by clicking on the comments link on any post. |
Theology Library - Sacraments | Hosted by Spring Hill College, a collection of links to various documents, and articles. |
USCCB - Resources for the Eucharist | |
USCCB - Sacraments |
Dr. Paul F. Ford | Dr. Paul Ford teaches systematic theology and liturgy at St. John's Seminary in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. |
Fr. Paul Turner | Fr. Turner is a priest of the diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph and a nationally recognized expert on the rites of initiation and on the new Roman Missal. |
Sr. Catherine Vincie, RSHM | Video: "Shooting for the Stars: Worship and the New Cosmology" (2015 Aidan Kavanagh Lecture in Liturgical Theology at Yale) |
Recommendations for Children's Liturgy of the Word Recommendations for Youth & Liturgy | Recommendations from the Archdiocese of Dubuque's liturgical commission. |
Liturgy of the Word with Children | Guidelines from the Catholic Bishops of England & Wales |
Checklist for Integrating Youth and Young Adults into Liturgy | Courtesy of Tom Tomaszek of OCP. |
National Catholic Youth Choir | Sponsored by St. John's Abbey and School of Theology-Seminary, the NCYC is a summer camp for high school choristers. In addition to time on campus (practicing, praying, and playing), the last days of the camp are spent "on tour." |
One Bread, One Cup | "One Bread, One Cup" is a five-day liturgical leadership conference at St. Meinrad Archabbey in Indiana. The conference is designed for parish and school teams of high school students and their adult leaders. These conferences bring a greater understanding of involvement in and enthusiasm for the liturgy to today’s teenagers. |
Youth in Theology and Ministry | Hosted by St. John's University School of Theology and Seminary in Collegeville, MN, YTM is a camp for high school youth who want to go deeper into understanding and living out their Catholic Christian faith. |