Articles: a collection of articles on various liturgical topics
Bibliographies: liturgy, preaching
Resources for the Revised Order of Penance
Liturgy Evaluation Tools
Prayers for Various Needs
Children / Youth
Youth in Liturgy
From the Archdiocese of Dubuque. In the Fall of 2007, a study group made their recommendations regarding youth and the liturgy to the Archdiocesan Worship Commission. With their permission, the document is made available here for your reflection.
Children's Liturgy of the Word
Also from the Archdiocese of Dubuque.
Tips for Parents
From Jo-Ann Metzdorff, D.Min., a pastoral associate in New York state, some helpful advice for parents struggling with young children at Mass
A Walk Through the GIRM (2015)
A very brief review of the GIRM and the parts of the Mass. The individual articles were initially published on our Liturgy Formation Page and are collected here.
Music at Mass
A synopsis of the GIRM and the USCCB's Introduction to the Order of Mass and Sing to the Lord.
Por favor haga clic aquí para la versión en español.
Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharistic Mystery Outside Mass
10/17/24: New Liturgical books coming this fall
10/24/24: Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharistic Mystery Outside Mass
10/31/24: New liturgical texts - bringing Communion to the sick and dying
11/7/24: New liturgical texts - worship of the Eucharist
Liturgy (General)
Sacrosanctum Concilium: A Review
Collection of articles first published in the LiturgyNotes
Liturgy and Justice
"The Mystery We Live"
An article written by Deacon Agnoli on the connection between liturgy and justice and originally posted on the EnVision Church website.
Connecting Liturgy and Action
First published in our diocese's Social Action Newsletter. The articles below expand on what is written here.
Liturgy & Social Justice: Introduction
Part 1: Transformative Encounter
Part 2: Revelation and Rehearsal
Part 3: Romano Guardini Reconsidered
Liturgical Ministries
"From Performer to Pray-er: Considerations for Clergy"
"De actuante a orante: Para consideración del clero"
An article written by Deacon Agnoli on the spirituality and practice of liturgical presidency. Published in Fall 2012 issue of AIM: Liturgical Resources (by World Library Publications) it is posted here with their kind permission.
"Principles and Practicalities for Preparing the Liturgy"
A brief reflection by John Leonard and Patrick Malloy on the dispositions required of liturgical ministers. Posted with permission.
Preaching / Homiletics
Review of Preaching the Mystery of Faith
Collection of articles first published in the LiturgyNotes
Review of the Homiletic Directory
Collection of articles first published in the LiturgyNotes
Preaching at the Liturgy of the Hours
An article by Deacon Agnoli posted on the Church Life website at Notre Dame.
"The Sacraments (and Sacramentals) of Healing"
Collection of articles from the Catholic Messenger; covers Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick, Viaticum, Indulgences, the Order of Christian Funerals, and related topics (such as sin and eschatology).
This section contains a listing of the ritual books and other resources needed in parishes as well as additional resources helpful for liturgical and preaching ministries.
Liturgical Texts: A listing of the ritual books and other resources for a basic parish liturgical library. Last updated 4/23/24.
Liturgy Resources: A bibliography of resources in liturgical studies. Last updated 4/23/24.
Preaching Resources: A bibliography of resources for the preaching ministry. Last updated 4/23/24.
The new translation of the Order of Penance has been approved and must be used as of the Second Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday; April 16, 2023).
On October 25, 2022, the FDLC and the Secretariat for Divine Worship collaborated on a webinar on the revised Order of Penance. That webinar has been posted to the public pages of the FDLC website. It is an easy, accessible formation opportunity for clergy and faithful alike. You may watch that webinar here:
As promised during that webinar, the FDLC has prepared free downloadable resources for use at the parish. They may be duplicated locally (on cardstock or heavy paper) for use as an aid in the confessional or as a catechetical tool when preparing adults or children for the Sacrament. Many thanks to the copyright holders for their kind permission to distribute these resources and to Mr. Barry Mudd of the Archdiocese of Louisville for his design assistance.
*Cards for the Confessional or Catechesis*
Order from:
Liturgy Training Publications
Catholic Book Publishing
Midwest Theological Forum
Assessment Tool for Parish Liturgical Life
This tool is intended for the use of parish liturgical commissions or parish councils.
Updated 1/7/18.
PDF format / MS Word format
Parish Liturgy Survey
This survey is intended to be distributed to the parish at large.
PDF format / MS Word format
Parish Accessibility Survey
Reflecting the virtue of hospitality, this checklist is intended to help parishes assess their church and other buildings in terms of accessibility. Updated 11/17/17.
PDF format / MS Word format
Abuse Crisis
Prayer during Nov 2018 USCCB Meeting
FDLC - 2018 Resources
Resources from the USCCB
Liturgy Planning Guide from the Diocese of Lansing
Prayers from the Diocese of St. Cloud
Intercessions from the Diocese of San Jose
Justice, Peace, Integrity of Creation
For the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation (Courtesy of the FDLC)
From the National Secular Franciscans Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation Commission:
>Season of Caring for Creation (Sept. 1 - Oct. 4)
> 12 Weeks of Franciscan Peace (Oct. - Dec. 25)
Resources from the USCCB
World Day of the Poor (CRS)
Novena for Migrants (Secular Franciscans)
Prayer of the Farm Workers’ Struggle/Oracion del Campesino en la Lucha
Prayer for the Boreal Forest and its Peoples
Laudato Si Movement: Prayer, Ecospirituality, etc.
USCCB Resource Page: Combatting Racism
-includes prayer and educational resources
USCCB Prayer Service for Racial Healing
Black Catholic Sainthood
Prayer from the Catholic Health Association
Prayer Service from LTP
Holy Hour Against Racism
-Examen for Racism
-Prayers for Racial Justice and Reconciliation
Other Resources on the Deacon Formation webpage
Other Resources on the Faith Formation webpage
Pope Francis: "we cannot tolerate or turn a blind eye to racism and exclusion in any form and yet claim to defend the sacredness of every human life."
>5 quotes on racism and xenophobia
Statements by the USCCB:
>Statement of U.S. Bishop Chairmen in Wake of Death of George Floyd and National Protests
>Statement of U.S. Bishops’ President on George Floyd and the Protests in American Cities
Statement by Archbishop Wilton Gregory
Prayer from the Catholic Health Association
Prayer Service from LTP
In Times of Disaster
Prayer for Migrants (USCCB; English & Spanish)
Prayer for Refugees (Catholic Relief Services)
Persecution of Christians and Other Religious Minorities in Iraq (updated 8/13/14; information from the USCCB and ZENIT)
Prayer for Children Seeking Refuge from Violence (Courtesy of St. Bartholomew Parsh, Ft. Worth, TX)
Prayer Service in Times of Disaster (Courtesy of the Archdiocese of Dubuque)
Prayer for the People of Haiti (Courtesy of Diane Macalintal, Diocese of San Jose; in English and Spanish)
Those suffering from natural disasters:
-From the Catholic Health Association
-From Catholic Charities USA
-From the Jesuits (Xavier University)
-From Fr. James Martin, SJ (America Magazine)
Prayers from the Episcopal Church
Mass Shootings
A Prayer for Victims of Racism and Gun Violence
Resources: Catholic Teaching on racism and gun violence
A Prayer for the Community of Uvalde (adapted from the FDLC)
A Litany in the Wake of a Mass Shooting (ecumenical resource)
Around Elections / Politics
Prayer after an Election
-Oración después de un día de elecciones
Faithful Citizenship
-Civilize It Pledge
Fr. James Martin, SJ
From "Civic Engagement" (Jesuits)
Ignatian Post-Election Prayer
Ecumenical Resources:
*Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
*Episcopal Church
-"With Malice Toward None" - an initiative of Braver Angels
Fratelli Tutti
Fratelli tutti (English: On Fraternity and Social Friendship)
Fratelli tutti (Spanish: Sobre la Fraternidad y la Amistad Social)
Vatican's Long Summary of the Encyclical
Vatican's Short Summary of the Encyclical
A Prayer to the Creator
An Ecumenical Christian Prayer
America Magazine
Fr. Casey Cole, OFM
Georgetown University's Initiative of Catholic Social Thought
Readings: Mass for Chastity
The Mass formulary "For Chastity" was inserted into the current edition of the Missale Romanum in 2002 and implemented in 2011 as part of the Roman Missal, Third Edition. From 2002 to 2023, however, no separate suggestions for Lectionary readings were issued to accompany the Mass. On March 20, 2023, the Holy See's Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments promulgated a series of suggested Lectionary readings for the Mass for Chastity. They are available here.