We preach for encounter; we preach to bring people closer to God, to guide, to facilitate or make more possible the encounter of hearers with a living God.
Meeting the living God changes us. We call this metanoia (conversion or transformation) - which is an ongoing, life-long process - we are moved to gratitude, wonder, and love, which grounds the desire to live differently, to respond and serve in a life of missionary or intentional discipleship, devoted to service and mission (holiness of life).
-Fr. Michael E. Connors, CSC
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, through a grant from the American Bible Society, will offer a Sunday Seminar Series of five videos about Sacred Scripture in the life of the Church. These videos, offered in English and Spanish, will be offered by some of the finest biblical scholars in the United States.
Information (Eucharistic Revival Blog)
Website / Videos (English & Español)
What makes a great Catholic homily? And what goes into the art of delivering it well? Preach is a weekly podcast from America Media that features a diverse cast of Catholic preachers who open up their hearts and minds to reveal their techniques, approaches to interpreting scripture and the spiritual reflection necessary to enable great preaching. CLICK HERE for more!
Let us now look at preaching within the liturgy, which calls for serious consideration by pastors. I will dwell in particular, and even somewhat meticulously, on the homily and its preparation, since so many concerns have been expressed about this important ministry and we cannot simply ignore them. The homily is the touchstone for judging a pastor’s closeness and ability to communicate to his people. We know that the faithful attach great importance to it, and that both they and their ordained ministers suffer because of homilies: the laity from having to listen to them and the clergy from having to preach them! It is sad that this is the case. The homily can actually be an intense and happy experience of the Spirit, a consoling encounter with God’s word, a constant source of renewal and growth. -Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium #135 (link to excerpted section on The Homily; link to full document below) The following links are provided as a service to those who are engaged in proclaiming the Scriptures in the liturgy, especially via the preaching ministry. The diocese is not responsible for their content, and does not necessarily agree with the material found or opinions expressed on those sites. Some of the sites are explicitly Catholic; others are not. Please report any concerns or broken links to the Director of Liturgy. |
Preaching the Lectionary
Resources for Proclamation
On-Line Texts
Greek & Hebrew
Academic Resources for Exegesis
Avoiding Unintended Anti-Judaism
Care for Creation
SPANISH RESOURCES (Recursos en Español)
Ecclesial Documents
Marten Program - Notre Dame
Other Lectures (Video) / Articles
FDLC: Mystagogy on Missal Prayers
Preaching Organizations
Resources for proclaimers and preachers of the word.
Lectio divina (St. John's Abbey)
Roman Catholic Liturgical Calendar (Daily Readings)
Catholic Resources - Felix Just, SJ
Lectionary.com (ecumenical)
Calendario litúrgico (Spanish / Español)
USCCB Homiletics Page
Preaching Hope
Catholic Women Preach
TheWord (Dominican Preaching from around the world)
Creighton University - Daily Reflections
Preachers' Exchange - Jude Siciliano, OP
The Center for Liturgy - St. Louis University
Liturgy Prep - Sunday Homilies and Commentary
Lectionary Resources - Institute for Homiletics (Univ. of Dallas)
The Text This Week (ecumenical) - includes connections to movies and art
Word on Fire - Bp. Robert Barron
WorkingPreacher (Luther Seminary)
Building on the Word: Homiletics, Bible study, and Jewish-Christian Resources
Catholic Homily Resources
Biblical Resources (Ireland)
SermonWriter (Protestant)
Sermons That Work (Episcopal Church)
New Pilgrim Path (Ireland)
Christian Art (reflections on the gospel text)
Lector Resources (Catholics Proclaim)
-includes guides for readers, audio recordings, and pronunciation guide - as well as other links
Lector's Notes
- For each day's first and second readings (and occasionally for the gospel), the Notes give the historical and theological background, plus suggestions on oral interpretation.
Liturgy Prep - Sunday Homilies and Commentary
- Click on the "Lector" tab
Two sites with audio files:
> Pronunciation Guide
> Pronouncing Biblical Words
USCCB - Daily Readings (audio)
Bible Gateway
Bible Hub (previously "Biblos" - multilingual parallel texts & other resources; use critically since it does not reflect Catholic biblical theology and criticism)
Bibleverses (multiple versions; accessible for those with visual impairments)
Read Bibleverses' mission statement here.
Biblia.com (multiple versions and other resources; can open in two parallel columns for comparison)
Biblia Católica (Scripture translations in multiple languages - including Spanish, Latin, French, German, Italian, Greek....)
Early Christian Writings
Gospel Parallels 1
Gospel Parallels 2 (table)
Gospel Parallels 3 (table, links)
New American Bible, revised edition (USCCB)
Oremus Bible Browser (NRSV and others)
Readings from the Roots (new translation of the RCL)
Bible Web App (parallel Greek NT)
Codex Sinaiticus
Greek Dictionary
Greek New Testament Online
Greek New Testament by verse
NETS: New English Translation of the Septuagint
Online Greek Interlinear
Online Hebrew Interlinear
Sefaria: A Living Library of Jewish Texts
vHMML: Hill Museum and Manuscript Library (digital collection and additional resources)
(for more information about the Library and its work, click here)
Bible Tools and Links (Ecumenism in Canada)
Biblical Studies on the Web (BSW)
Bible Study Tools
Bible Odyssey (SBL)
Biblical Research by Michael Marlow
Catholic Biblical Association - links page
Catholic Resources - Felix Just, SJ
Enter the Bible (Luther Seminary)
John Carroll University - Biblical Studies Homepage
K.C. Hanson's Homepage
The New Testament Gateway
The Old Testament Gateway
Resource Pages for Biblical Studies
Reading the Word of God with the Church (an extensive library of resources for download from the Vatican's Congregation for the Clergy)
Society of Biblical Literature
-Bible Odyssey (the world’s leading scholars share the latest historical and literary research on key people, places, and passages of the Bible)
The Visual Commentary on Scripture
See also the Preachers' Exchange and the Center for Liturgy websites listed above.
Center of Concern
National Catholic Rural Life Conference
Peace Connections
peaceonjustice blog
Social Justice Lectionary (uses Revised Common Lectionary)
Preaching Laudato Si' (Catholic Climate Covenant)
Maryknoll Reflection Guides
Preaching for God's World (RCL)
"Sadly, anti-Semitic attitudes are also present in our own times. As I have often repeated, a Christian cannot be an anti-Semite; we share the same roots. It would be a contradiction of faith and life. Rather, we are called to commit ourselves to ensure anti-Semitism is banned from the human community." -Pope Francis
Church Documents
Nostra Aetate (Vatican II, 1965)
Guidelines for Implementing Nostra Aetate (Vatican, 1974)
Notes on the correct way to present the Jews and Judaism in preaching and catechesis in the Roman Catholic Church (Vatican, 1982)
Guidelines for Catholic-Jewish Relations (USCCB, 1985)
God's Mercy Endures Forever: Guidelines on the Presentation of Jews and Judaism in Catholic Preaching (USCCB, 1988)
Criteria for the Evaluation of Dramatizations of the Passion (USCCB, 1988)
We Remember: A Reflection on the Shoah (Vatican, 1998)
Catholic Teaching on the Shoah - Implementing We Remember (USCCB, 2001)
The Jewish People and Their Sacred Scriptures in the Christian Bible (PBC, 2001)
Respecting Judaism and Jewish Traditions during Lent and the Paschal Triduum (BCDW, 2014)
Ecumenical and Interreligious Sensitivity in Preaching (John W. Crossin, OSFS; Secretariat for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs, USCCB)
"The Gifts and the Calling of God are Irrevocable" (Vatican, 2015)
-annotated version
Catholic Biblical Association Fact Sheets
These are posted with the kind permission of the CBA.
On Jewish Responsibility for the Death of Jesus
On Lepers
On the Pharisees
On Women
Center for Christian-Jewish Learning
Home Page
Preaching Do's and Don'ts
Criteria for Presenting Jews and Judaism in Preaching and Teaching
(summation of Catholic Church documents)
Resource Library
Video Library
Video Series: Presenting the Passion... without blaming "the Jews"
Videos from the Center for Christian Engagement, St. Mark's College, Vancouver
Other Resources
A Select Bibliography (Agnoli; updated 4/23/24)
Council of Centers on Jewish-Christian Relations
-this site has an impressive collection of documents, articles, and other resources
Jewish-Christian Relations
ICJS: Institute for Islamic-Christian-Jewish Studies [resource page]
American Jewish Committee: Translate Hate (glossary)ISPS-Ratisbonne / Bat Kol Christian Centre for Jewish Studies: includes weekly commentaries on the readings from Christian and Jewish lectionaries
Bat Kol בת-קול International: An Online Grassroots Initiative for Christians Studying the Word of God within its Jewish milieu using Jewish sources
Society for Post-Supercessionist Theology
Journal: Studies in Christian-Jewish Relations
Journal of the Jesus Movement in its Jewish Setting
Paul Within Judaism
Jewish Virtual Library
ELCA: Preaching & Teaching "With Love and Respect for the Jewish People"
Philip Cunningham (Institute for Jewish Catholic Relations)
Rabbi David Rosen
PBC: Jesus and the Pharisees Conference (Videos)
"What Christians Get Wrong about Judaism and Why it Matters" (video)
Catholic Theological Union: Preaching with the Sciences
Science Videos:Vatican Observatory
Faraday Institute
Preaching and Care for Creation
Biblia Católica (Traducciones bíblicas en varios idiomas)
Catecismo Católico de los Estados Unidos para los Adultos
Se Realiza a Escucharla
Homilías Católicas
Homilías Dominicales
Homilías Breves
Palabras para Domingo
Reflexiones Dominicales
Reflexiones en Español
Servício Biblico Latinoamericano
Ciudad Redonda
-lectura del día
-comentario / homilia
Homiletic Bibliography (Agnoli; updated 5/2/23)
Yale University Divinity School Library - Resources for Preaching
Marten Program (Notre Dame): Preaching Resources
Evangelii Gaudium:
complete: html / pdf
excerpt: The Homily
Fulfilled in Your Hearing (USCCB)
Se Realiza a Escucharla
Preaching the Mystery of Faith: The Sunday Homily (USCCB)
Review of Preaching the Mystery of Faith (Agnoli)
Homiletic Directory (full text on Vatican website)
Review of the Homiletic Directory (Agnoli)
Homiletic Directory (order from USCCB Publishing)
The Marten Program in Homiletics and Liturgics hosts an annual conference on preaching. The keynote addresses and breakout sessions are subsequently posted on YouTube. Please click on the links below, which will take you to the conference webpage. From there, you can link to the individual talks.
2024: Marten Lecture: "Getting to the Good News in Preaching: Practical Implications
for Preachers and Teachers" (Dr. Paul Scott Wilson) (sermon at Evening Prayer)
[links to GoogleDocs]
2023: Preaching Conference: “Visions of the Reign of God: Preaching and Catholic Social
Teaching” (or direct to GoogleDocs)
2023: Workshop: The Art of Preaching (Fr. Mike Connors, CSC)
2023: Marten Lecture: Accompaniment and Storytelling: The Pulpit in the Hispanic Community of the United States (Fr. David Garcia) (homily at Mass)
2022: Marten Lecture: Preaching with the Sciences (Fr. Ed Foley, Capuchin) (homily at Mass)
2022: Preaching Conference: "Living in the Light of the Word: Enlivening the Scriptural Imagination for Preaching"
2022: Marten Lecture: The Preacher as Time Traveler (Dr. John T. Fitzgerald)
2021: St. Meinrad Lecture & Workshop on Homiletics: Savoring the Mysteries: Mystagogical Preaching
2021: Marten Lecture: The Importance of Preaching in a Theological Curriculum
(Msgr. Stephen C. Bosso) (homily at Mass)
2021: Preaching Webinars: Preaching & Laudato Si'; Preaching from Archetypal Energy
2020: "Sing to the Lord with Grateful Praise: Gratitude, Preaching, and Hope"
(Dr. Susan Fleming McGurgan) (preaching at Evening Prayer)
2019: "Mystic and Mystagogue: Preaching as Spiritual Leadership"
2019: Marten Lecture: "Preaching at Mass: The Practice and Theory of One Elder Presbyter" (Fr. John Meier) (homily - Friday 5th Week of Ordinary Time, Year 1)
2018: Marten Visiting Fellow: Dr. Ann Garrido - preaching at Evening Prayer
2018: Marten Visiting Fellow: "I Want to See: Nurturing a Spirituality of Truth from the Pulpit" (Dr. Ann Garrido's lecture)
2018: Marten Lecture: "Contemplative Homiletics: Being Carried into Reality" (Deacon James Keating) (homily - Friday after Ash Wednesday)
2017: "Pre-Conciliar Preaching in the USA." (Fr. Ed Griswold)
2017: "To Set the Earth on Fire": Effective Catholic Preaching
2017: “Come Back When You've Found Something True: Reading and Rehearsing the Script in the Scripture” (Rev. Dr. Anna Carter Florence)
(her sermon on Exodus 1:8-14, 22, 2:1-10, entitled "The Girls in the Reeds")
2016: Speaking the "Grief Inside our Bones": Preaching and Trauma (Dr. Deborah Organ)
2016: Meeting a Laboring Word: From Idol Chatter to Holy Preaching (Fr. Paul Janowiak)
2015: Special Lecture by Guerric DeBona, OSB, on "Recovering Our Voice: Reflections on Catholic Preaching before the Second Vatican Council."
2015: “‘What We Have Seen and Heard’: Fostering Baptismal Witness in the World” A Conference in Celebration of the 50th Anniversaries of Gaudium et Spes, Apostolicam Actuositatem and Ad Gentes
2014: "Preaching and the New Evangelization"
2013: USCCB Conference on "Preaching the Mystery of Faith"
2012: "We Preach Christ Crucified"
The Funeral Homily by Deacon Frank Agnoli
(published in the May/June issue of The Deacon and posted here with permission of OSV)
"Intercultural Competency and the Sunday Homily" by Fr. Allan Figueroa Deck
Article / YouTube Video
Preaching Resources: Boston College
-Touchstones for Preaching: A series of lectures (videos, transcripts available for download) from Boston College School of Theology and Ministry in partnership with The Church in the 21st Century Center prepared to support priests, deacons, and lay preachers in developing their preaching skills. Includes sections on preaching in particualr settings (weddings, funerals, on justice, to children).
-Flesh Made Word: An on-line preaching collection in a multimedia format, this series will introduce the viewer to the art of crafting a homily through a variety of preaching approaches. Much of the material is visual, and the examples are designed to explore a wide range of preaching methods, styles and techniques.
Edward Foley, Capuchin: is a Roman Catholic priest and member of the Province of St. Joseph of the Capuchin Order and is the Duns Scotus Professor Emeritus of Spirituality and Retired Professor of Liturgy and Music at Catholic Theological Union.
Article Series: Deacon Newsletter
These articles were first published in the Diocese of Davenport's Deacon Newsletter. Each article briefly goes over the particular topic and then lists a number of resources for further exploration.
#1 Preacher, Know Thyself / #2 Your Theology of Preaching
#3 The Listener / #4 Exegesis & Hermeneutics
#5 The Liturgical Bible / #6 Content and Form, Part 1
#7 Content and Form, Part 2 / #8 Avoiding Unintended Anti-Judaism
#9 The Postmodern Context / #10 Language
#11 Visual Preaching / Imagery / #12 Delivery
#13 Epilogue: Does Preaching Matter?
The PDF files contain reflections on the Collect and Prayer after Communion.
Advent Sundays
Christmas Time
Christmas & Sundays of Christmas Time
Ash Wednesday, Sundays of Lent (incl. Scrutinies), Chrism Mass
Triduum & Easter Time
Paschal Triduum & Easter Time
Ordinary Time
Sundays 1-7
Sundays 8-14
Sundays 15-21
Sundays 22-28
Sundays 29-34
Proper of Saints
Solemnities of the Lord in Ordinary Time
Catholic Association of Teachers of Homiletics
Catholic Association of Preachers (UK)
College of Preachers (UK)
-Resources for Occasions
The Academy of Homiletics
>Homiletic (on-line journal)
Societas Homiletica
-International Journal of Homiletics
Institute for Homiletics (University of Dallas)
The Living Pulpit (on-line journal)
Sunday to Sunday (An online and cable TV program that identifies a series of case studies about preaching by listening to preachers in their own words and hearing samples of their efforts.)