The Mass was celebrated on Oct 17 at Sacred Heart Cathedral,
and the following Mass texts and readings were used:
HOMILY BY FR. THOM HENNEN, VG (Oct 16 at Sacred Heart Cathedral)
O Lord,
ruler and guardian of your Church,
pour out, we pray, upon your servants
a spirit of truth, understanding and peace,
that they may strive with all their heart
to know what is pleasing to you
and then pursue it
with all their strength.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ,
your Son,
who lives and reigns with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever.
Excerpt from the English translation of The Roman Missal © 2010, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation (ICEL). All rights reserved.
Episode 27: Pope Francis calls us to dialogue for Synod 2021-2023
Bishop Thomas Zinkula and Vicar General Father Thom Hennen of Sacred Heart Cathedral share their thoughts on engaging Catholics and others in the diocesan synod that leads up to Pope Francis’ Synod 2021-2023.
Episode 31: 58,000 Cups of Coffee
Bishop Zinkula and Evangelization Director Patrick talk about our diocese’s unique approach to encouraging conversations about the Catholic Church.
This segment was produced and recorded at KALA Radio Studios, St. Ambrose University, Davenport, Iowa, USA.
If you have any questions or comments regarding the Synod process, please let us know at [email protected].
Introduction - Resources for Prayer and Liturgy
Prayer to the Holy Spirit (multiple languages)
Synod Anthem
Possible Intercessions for Mass (PDF in Spanish & English / español e inglés)
For Francis, our Pope, as we journey together in synod. Let us pray to the Lord.
For Francis, our Pope, Thomas our Bishop, and all Bishops; that they might have the grace to listen humbly and speak boldly as the Church gathers in synod. Let us pray to the Lord.
That the Church, convoked in Synod, would be open and responsive to the movement of the Spirit. Let us pray to the Lord.
For an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Church as we undertake this synodal journey; let us pray to the Lord.
That the Holy Spirit may fill the hearts and minds of all the faithful, and accompany us on this synodal journey; let us pray to the Lord.
For the Church, gathered in Synod; that by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit this journey will be marked by humble listening, courageous speech, and lively hope. Let us pray to the Lord.
More intercessions from the Vatican (multiple languages)
Votive Mass of the Holy Spirit (#9)
May be used on weekdays in Ordinary Time
Three options for Mass prayers (A, B, C)
Two options for the Preface
Readings are taken from Pentecost (#63-63 in Volume I of the Lectionary) or from the Ritual Mass for Confirmation (Readings #764-768 in Volume IV of the Lectionary).
Red Vestments are worn
How to Pray the Rosary
Rosary for the Synod: The Mysteries of Light
Spanish (Rosario Sinodal)
The synod is “not a parliament nor a survey of opinions,” rather it is, “an ecclesial moment whose protagonist is the Holy Spirit.”
From the Vatican:
Needed Attitudes and Avoiding Pitfalls (excepted from the Handbook)
From the Diocese of Davenport:
Diocesan Guidebook (PDF)
Word of God Sunday: Panel on the Scriptures and the Synod (video)
Art/Images for Use in Print and Social Media (Google Folder)
While not a substitute, additional helpful resources for listening sessions may be found on the Archdiocese of Newark's synod website.
A: While it is preferred that everyone take part in a process where true conversation can take place -- doing what we're talking about -- the Holy Father also wants to consult as many people as possible on the question of how we are already, and can better become, a synodal church. So, if necessary, here are two options for you:
Use our on-line form to offer your comments (link coming soon)
Send your comments directly to the General Secretariat for the Synod of Bishops
Address: Via della Conciliazione 34 / VA - 00120 Vatican City
E-Mail: [email protected]
The Listening Session Record/Report Form (coming soon) has questions that can help focus your response to the Secretariat.
Catholic Climate Covenant Webinar: "Together in the Journey: The Synod, the Laudato Si' Action Platform and the Eucharistic Revival"
Pope Francis has invited the global Catholic Church to embark on TWO multi-year journeys: a) the Synod on Synodality and b) the Laudato Si’ Action Platform. At the same time, the U.S. Catholic Conferences of Bishops has invited the U.S. Catholic Church to deepen our devotion to the real presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist through a multiyear Eucharistic Revival movement. Many are asking, “How can we accomplish all of these journeys?” and “Which of these paths do we prioritize?” In this webinar we will discuss how the Vatican’s Synod on Synodality and the Laudato Si’ Action Platform, along with the USCCB’s Eucharistic Revival, can (and should) be seen as journeying together and not journeying on separate or competing paths.
Eucharistic Revival - diocesan website coming soon!
Laudato Si' Action Plan
Social Action Office - coming soon!