Are you concerned about the shortage of priests, deacons and religious vocations in our Church? What are YOU willing to do about it? A good start is for us to join together and pray! Join with other Catholics throughout the Diocese of Davenport in asking our Lord to bless us with an abundance of committed priests, deacons and religious.
If you would like me to come to your school or Religious Education classes, please let me know. I am here to do all I can to help you in promoting vocations.
Help us promote vocations in our diocese, in your parish, and in your home.
Take time to pray for, speak positively about and encourage actively vocations to the priesthood, diaconate and consecrated life.
Reflect on your own vocation and strengthen your personal relationship with Christ.
Educate our young people about the importance of silent prayer and taking the time to truly listen to God's voice in our hearts.
Upcoming Holy Hours for Vocations: No Holy Hours currently scheduled
Please contact Fr. Greiner to schedule one in your parish.